Friday, September 16, 2011

We have the privilage of living with 7 grade-school Ugandan girls during our time here in Uganda. They range from ages 12 - 16, but are in levels equivilent to 4th thru 7th graders. They serve us so well whether it be making us meals each day, sweeping our floors and offering to wash our clothes. They laugh each time we try to do things ourselves or try to help them with their chores, saying things like "Auntie, you will get tired!" which is always so funny. But there is one girl that we have all gotten particularily close to whose name is Innocent. The other day I had the privilage to sit down with her and hear her story. She has three brothers and her. Her mother died when she was 9 which she said was a very hard time as she was the main one taking care of her. When she was 11 she started to pray that she could go do school as no one in her family had gone to school before. She heard from one of her friends that they were sponsored by Cornerstone (the organization behind the home we are staying) and able to go to school. She walked a day's journey back to the youth home with her friend and pleaded with the people there until they allowed her to stay. She told me that due to her age they put her in the 4th grade, but had to repeat it because she had never learned to read or write. Right now she is in the 7th grade and we have been watching (and helping when we can) her study until 11pm and then get back up at 4am to start studying again. She has to walk an hour to school and back each day. It is so far that she is not able to eat lunch each day because she does not have time to get home during her hour lunch break. So she walks two hours each day, has to concentrate in her classes and studies around the clock on just one meal a day. And she is NEVER complaining. Never once have we heard a negative thing from her mouth. Most of the time she says, "I will make it, with the grace of God I know that I will make it". Knowing her has taken away any entitlement I have felt to complain about.... well really about anything.

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