Sunday, September 4, 2011


So two amazing experiences to report on during our time in Kampala. This world is smaller than I thought I am finding. A friend of a friend of one of the girls I am traveling with is living in Kampala and working with some women in the slums outside Kampala to make trendy bead necklaces and sell them back in the states! (the organization is called Ember Art and is sold in stores like Whole Foods, etc) These women were part of the northern Acholi tribe that was forced to move south during the war. When they arrived near Kampala they began excavating rocks BY HAND to make gravel, literally making about 50 cents a day. Ember Arts noticed that there were these women in this village that made beautiful paper beads and helped them create their own co-op through which 27 women are now employed and making a living wage. One of the women (in the upper left) just sent her daughter to university which was one of the first in the whole village. Did I mention they were breaking rocks with their hands...

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